Un-shackled By Love Ministries
"To proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners." Isaiah 61:1

Psalms 107:14 says He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke their chains in pieces. I’m one to say he’s done it for me and he can do it for anyone else too. With God, all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

Hi my name is Abigail King and I’m here at Unshackled recovering from drug addiction. I’m 21 years old and I’ve been using since the age of 12. In April, 2017, I f​ound myself in jail facing 23 years on felony drug charges. By the grace of God, I was given the opportunity to find a rehab facility and complete treatment. I’ve been here at UBL since June 27, 2017. I’m set to complete treatment on March 27. Mrs. Jewellan has loved me back to life and has taught me how to live a life full of peace and happiness - drug free. I’ve come to know my savior Jesus Christ and was baptized back in August 2017.
Abigail King
Program Participant


I have been in rehab for eight months and 11 months drug-free. In rehab help me to understand that I have a problem with my angry, panic attack, fight, abuse, mental, emotional and verbal abuse to learn to let go of my pains to deal with my problem and forgive them who harm me and forgive myself for all the wrong things in my wrong doing. Also, I learn to love myself and love each other. Most of all, I learn to be patient, faith, hope & love. Also, learn about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit too. Help me to be strong and overcome myself to be free and no longer to have powerless over me no more.
Curry Mclinden
Program Participant


I found Un-Shackled By Love in a desperate state of mind after being homeless for a year. My heroin addiction led me down a road of utter destruction. I sold my body, soul, and heart to feed my addiction. UBL has guided me into the freedom of being a bound servant to Jesus Christ and relishing in all he has to offer; instead of being a slave to my fleshly desires. I no longer view myself as a victim. I have obtained grounding tools to overcome the trauma I've endured. My entire perspective has shifted from stinking thinking to seeing the world through Gods viewpoint. I have quit allowing my emotions to control me. I've acquired discipline, self control, and the ability to submit to authority. My heart has healed to the point where I can trust again and Ive broken down the barriers that kept love out.
Katelyn Bartlett
Program Participant


Finding my way to UnShackled By Love has transformed my life in a way simple words can't explain...
I had chosen a life of Cynicism in dealing with pain. When my healing began I was a complete disaster; my mind never rested and neither could I. I was unloveable, unbreakable, and miserable! UBL seen through all my lies, anger, trauma, pain, and un forgiveness! I was never judged; they loved and taught me it's ok to trust, love, feel, and forgive. I've learned to face my past, my pain, and even my demons! I' was given the tools to break the chains that kept me in bondage and mostly they led me to our Heavenly Father. I've learned when trusting God with my heart in-spite of all my mistakes and failures. No one can stop what God has planned for me. God wants all of us to be stronger than our struggles. I'm blessed to have been able to have UnShackled By Love to love me, teach me, and guide me. Without them I would not be who I am today.
Cindy Rodrick
Program Participant
“Don’t let those wicked men win, don’t let them destroy you!”
― Gladys Lawson, Blood Borne Connections
“No matter what chains are broken, slavery is a condition
of the heart.”
― Marquita Burke-DeJesus, Radically Ordinary
“Had I glimpsed just a little of the suffering I would witness and the heartbreak I would endure, I would have fled in the other direction...But I could not foresee any of these things...And many years later, with tears in my eyes, I remembered my decision to follow this God no matter what the cost.”
― Daniel Walker, God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey Into Sex Trafficking and Rescue